Wednesday, September 9, 2015

being let down or being rejected..a sales oppertunity ????

Out and About 

The last two weeks have been really like a royal roller coaster of juggling familly , travelling to a new venture, making desicionsand then still trying to keep my self-together,

Well you know that time when it really gets cold and the weather turns cold and really wet either drizzle or mist like you walk in dry and buy the time you get to the outher side it looks like you ran thruogh a washing machine, yeah that sort of weather is not really good for me, it send me to bed for like a month. Took me 3 Hours of my time to get to my destination 

Well during the weak I got a call from Insurance Assits about a Service I Offer ( thats a whole different story though , i will get into that a little later), went to the company, Looked at soft ware they had been developing for Insurance Agencies Small to meduim Sized, when I first looked at the software I must say I was very Impressed with the soft ware as it was really user friendy.. easy to follow the steps, the software speaks for its self, I had a meeting with the companies Cfo and Ceo and after some mutual discussion and arrangement of the terms of service, 

I was given the goal of getting thier sales department producing more than a sale a week, I was then introduced to thier one and only sales person, studied him for a week , got to know thier software and looked at thier marketing, I also phoned some clients and set up some demos, We will hear how those went during the course of this week,

Two Weeks, 

Oil bears are cashing out.
Hedge funds slashed short positions in West Texas Intermediate by 13 percent in the week ended Sept. 1 as the largest three-day rally in 25 years sent crude up by almost $10 a barrel before it dropped again. It was the biggest liquidation of bearish bets since May.
The week made for a wild ride in the crude markets as volatility jumped to a five-month high amid anxiety about a stubborn worldwide glut of crude. Rising production from Iran and the U.S. combined with weaker demand from China put an end to three days of gains on Sept. 1, the last day of the report week, as oil plummeted 7.7 percent.
“There’s a lot of nervousness in this market,” said John Kilduff, a partner at Again Capital LLC, a New York-based hedge fund that focuses on energy. “Everyone is retrenching in the face of this extreme volatility.”
Money managers cut short positions, or bets that prices will fall, by 21,009 futures and options combined, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission data showed. Net-long positions increased by 16,826 contracts as bullish wagers also declined.

“We’re seeing some short covering along with long liquidation, which means that money is moving out of the market,” said Tim Evans, an energy analyst at Citi Futures Perspective in New York, said. “Investors are moving to the sidelines, which is an appropriate response given the volatility.”
The U.S. benchmark oil contract advanced 16 percent in the report week to $45.41 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. WTI started the seven-day period at $39.31 before the largest three-day rally in 25 years sent futures up 27 percent to $49.20. The contract lost 70 cents to $45.35 a barrel at 3:19 p.m. London time on Monday.
On Sept. 1, oil tumbled by $3.79 a barrel after a report showed manufacturing in China had slowed. Investors redeemed a record 13.8 million shares from the U.S. Oil Fund, the most since the exchange-traded product started trading in 2006. That forced the fund’s managers to liquidate the bullish oil contracts that back its shares.
Crude has declined 51 percent in the past year as rising output from the U.S. and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries outpaced demand growth. Prices will remain at $40 to $60 a barrel into 2016, said Ian Taylor, chief executive officer of Vitol Group BV, the world’s largest independent oil trader.

Other Markets

In other markets, net-long positions on Brent crude were little changed at 140,660 contracts, according to ICE Futures Europe data. Net bullish bets on Nymex gasoline slid 18 percent to 16,383, CFTC data show. Futures fell 3 percent to $1.3956 a gallon. Net bearish wagers on U.S. ultra low sulfur diesel contracted by 14 percent to 28,822 contracts. Diesel futures advanced 13 percent to $1.5779 a gallon.
U.S. crude output is 6.8 percent higher than a year ago even though oil rigs are down by 58 percent. Production has been resilient despite spending cuts as drillers focus on the most prolific properties.
“The guns are loaded and ready to be fired again,” said Kilduff. “They’re waiting for a signal from OPEC or the rig count, or some kind of clear signal that the oversupply is going to be addressed.”
Taken from Here

Day one, I start looking for leads of people that Cloud Agency management staff need to be talking. Looking through
there website and that of the Companies that Offered the same sort of services, looked at thier features and that we had in common and end cost to user, I found that not only is Cams (Cloud Agency Management Software) Softer on the pocket but also doesnt take weeks to train how to use it
, You know as well as do down time is a waste of time.

 Take a quick tour and see for yourself just how Our Cams can drive your Agency ...Simplicity at its best

Rejection and Of Asking the gate for help

Well as to my little adventure down the road as a contact point between Cams and the Agencies from different states, I started to ask myself certain questions,Example.. How do I get the  attention of the smaller agencies, When I used to sell Insurance back in my  day computers had just came into limelight of how they could connect dailers and fill in orders, etc , most things came back down to old pen and order card, the thought of "paperless Office" wasnt around, ( working from a tablet at a home office: Dream of the Future Tech), we used to drive to the agency and just do walk in and talk to the owner, now-a-days just pick up the phone, ask google and then dail the number and before long I was on 50 calls , stoppd and looked at the number of actuall desicion makers I had to spoke to, stopped and thought about my approach , and soon after doing 5 more calls I had reached what I had set out to do for the day . however the one task i let my self slip on was the pre close Questions..., 

So I send my email to couple of people I spoke to with the link to the live demonsration only to find out the people that I invited only half came, the demostraion had some postive results but I was hoping for better, 

I came to relize that instead of sayng to the gate keeper and rather asking for thier help got me the desired response, lets see what next week challenges are.

Cloud Agency Management Software was created to fill a gap between expensive web-enabled CRM and on-site agency management systems. A generic web-based system that usually does not fit the model of an insurance agencies can be very expensive to customize. Very few "out of the box" solutions like Cloud Agency Management Software contain such scalability and flexibility to adapt


While other agency management systems provide basic process solutions, Cloud Agency Management Software continues to raise the bar of insurance agency software system innovations. Effectively managing your business is the first step to growing your business. With Cloud Agency Management Software you have all the tools you need to stay organized, paperless, and in tune with your business. Best of all, it is simple and elegant and so easy to use. Nurturing your business is the key to growing to the next level and beyond. Invaluable knowledge at your fingertip will help improve your business, increase your referrals, and grow your business. Discuss how Cloud Agency Management Software can help simplify your business.
Call Us at 281-746-3032 to speak with our live representative.

 855-595-CLOUD / 855-595-2568 
 855-777-CLOUD / 855-777-2568 
 713-936-2970 / Stuart 
 281-746-3032 / James (skype - cloud james) (skype - cloud stuart)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What is The Best Insurance Agency Software

Best Insurance Agency Management SoftWare

In this tough economy and competitive insurance market, providing a good customer service isn’t enough anymore. Consumers today are better informed than ever, and with todays technology it gives them 24-hour access to information. So it’s easier than ever for them to shop around to get that specifically taylored insurance .

If you want to turn your prospects into customers and your customers into loyal fans, you’ll have to do more than get their attention – you need to become unforgettable.

Below are ways to transform your agency into an unforgettable, top-of-mind insurance solution for your prospects and clients.

1.  Being visible: With today’s insurance software, you have more opportunities than ever to be visible – your website, email marketing, social media, content marketing, and smartphone apps. Find the mix that works for you, and keep yourself and your message in front of prospects and customers as often as possible. Also, when visiting a client, why not introduce yourself to the businesses next door? It’s an easy way to get more “visibility mileage” out of every client call.

2.  Being interested: Become a master in the lost arts of listening. Be attentive and take the time to understand what your prospects and clients wants and needs are, and what they consider is true “value.” If you want people to be genuinely interested in doing business with you, be genuinely interested in them and take it to a next level.

3.  Being different: Since most insurance products and services are essentially the same, you need to be different, unusual, or unorthodox in your ways to stand out from the normal crowd. If you look and sound like average Joe, you’ll be seen as nothing more than a commodity, with price as the only differentiator. Remember, branding isn’t about market share – it’s about mindshare. Branding yourself, not just your business.

4.  Being patient: Making a sale isn’t about price. It’s about providing the right solution for your client’s needs. Never be in a hurry, and don’t be pushy. Take your time to build relationships and get to know what your clients’ needs are intimately.

5.  Being inquisitive: Instead of doing the average sales pitch, ask questions that engage your prospects’ brains and get them to detail their wants and needs, and what insurance coverage means to their overall quality of life. Provocative questions get potential clients to visualize a better life style for themselves, with you playing an irreplaceable supporting hero role.

6.  Being consistent: Stories of “above and beyond” customer service are always encouraging, but one of the most powerful differentiators in today’s insurance marketplace is consistency. Your prospects and customers should always receive the same level of great service no matter who they deal with in your company.

7.  Being convenient: It’s amazing how many companies make it complicated to do business with them. Review every aspect of how you interact with prospects and customers. Have you audited your insurance software form letters to ensure that correspondence  and forms clear and easily understood? Is your website easy to navigate? Do you make your customers navigate endless phone menus and wait on hold? Make every aspect of doing business with you as simple and convenient as possible.

8.  Being valued: It’s easy to say “call if you need us.” But to be unforgettable, you need to be a valued go-to resource. Be a genuine problem solver, a knowledgeable consultant, and a trusted insurance advisor for your clients. Be indispensable and the sales will follow.

With this powerful insurance software, achieving “unforgettable” status is easier than ever and most insurance agencies think . With nearly almost endless customization options, you can collect, organize, and use data more efficiently; constantly create a more dynamic web presence and marketing campaigns; and stay connected with prospects and customers in ways never before possible.

Request an Free insurance software demo today. Cloud Agent Mangement Software can outfit your agency with a customized and affordable insurance software solution to help you achieve “unforgettable” status.

To Request your free 15 Min demo please click here 

More About Cloud Agency Management SoftWare

Cloud Agency Management Software was created to fill a gap between expensive web-enabled CRM and on-site agency management systems. A generic web-based system that usually does not fit the model of an insurance agencies can be very expensive to customize. Very few "out of the box" solutions like Cloud Agency Management Software contain such scalability and flexibility to adapt.

Why choose Cloud Agency Management SoftWare

Cloud Agency Management Software was created for the purpose of assisting insurance agencies in becoming more efficient during hard economic times. Cloud is seeking to fill a void that has long existed within small insurance agencies that have lacked any type of management software. Cloud Agency Management Software's main goal is to assist these smaller insurance agencies with being more efficient, while keeping affordability in mind. Created with over 50 years of combined insurance experience, Cloud was tailored-made to answer the needs of insurance agents and agencies.

Our Team

Our team of highly trained customer service representative is available 24/7 to answer and assist you with any type of issues. Whether a minute issue or a complex one, our technical support team can assist you through a variety of avenues, which include, direct calling, emailing and web chatting and remote access. Unlike other technical support teams that are limited to 9-5 hours, our team is available 24/7. Customers are the lifelines of any business and being able to manage their files is extremely important in staying competitive and efficient, even at 3 A.M.

 855-595-CLOUD / 855-595-2568 
 855-777-CLOUD / 855-777-2568 
 713-936-2970 / Stuart 
 281-746-3032 / James (skype - cloud james) (skype - cloud stuart)



Per month & per location
  • 100 % Cloud Base System
  • Unlimited Database
  • Unlimited Agents
  • subdomains
  • Dashboard
  • Clock-in/Clock-out
  • Quotes/Prospects Management
  • Payments
  • Invoicing
  • Receipts
  • Direct Links to Insurance Company
  • Notes & Reminders
  • Import Contacts
  • Export Contacts
  • Export Reports
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Batch Scanning
  • Email Alerts
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Mail Labels
  • Bulletins
  • Miscellaneous Forms Upload
  • Unlimited Uploads Documents
  • Unlimited Uploads of Photos
  • Commission Reports
  • Check Printing
  • ($5/ 500 SMS)SMS Alerts
  • ACORD Forms
  • Company (Carrier) 
  • Payment Software
  • Comparative Rater 


Per month & per location
  • 100 % Cloud Base System
  • Unlimited Database
  • Unlimited Agents
  • subdomains
  • Dashboard
  • Clock-in/Clock-out
  • Quotes/Prospects Management
  • Payments
  • Invoicing
  • Receipts
  • Direct Links to Insurance Company
  • Notes & Reminders
  • Import Contacts
  • Export Contacts
  • Export Reports
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Batch Scanning
  • Email Alerts
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Mail Labels
  • Bulletins
  • Miscellaneous Forms Upload
  • Unlimited Uploads Documents
  • Unlimited Uploads of Photos
  • Commission Reports
  • Check Printing
  • SMS Alerts
  • ACORD Forms
  • Company (Carrier) 
  • ($30/month)Payment Software
  • Comparative Rater 


Per month & per location
  • 100 % Cloud Base System
  • Unlimited Database
  • Unlimited Agents
  • subdomains
  • Dashboard
  • Clock-in/Clock-out
  • Quotes/Prospects Management
  • Payments
  • Invoicing
  • Receipts
  • Direct Links to Insurance Company
  • Notes & Reminders
  • Import Contacts
  • Export Contacts
  • Export Reports
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Batch Scanning
  • Email Alerts
  • Advanced Reporting
  • Mail Labels
  • Bulletins
  • Miscellaneous Forms Upload
  • Unlimited Uploads Documents
  • Unlimited Uploads of Photos
  • Commission Reports
  • Check Printing
  • SMS Alerts
  • ACORD Forms
  • Company (Carrier) 
  • Payment Software
  • (WIP)
    Comparative Rater 

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